Tsk! Tsk!

I've always been lampa (clumsy). Growing up, I remember coming home from school with cuts, scrapes, and bruises regularly.

Now that I'm all grown, I am very much conscious of the way I walk, go down the steps, and run. I'm flat-footed too, which doesn't at all help with balancing issues. 

BUT, this particular mishap happened while I was quietly strolling in our community bazaar. I was simply looking for something to buy for lunch  and boom!
I tripped and on the way down heard a crunch and I knew right then that I had torn something. The pain brought tears to my eyes. Luckily I was with Alice and Sky and they helped me hop back to our unit and conducted first aid: RICE - Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. (We looked this up online as we were panicking about what to do next.

Oh boy. Lesson learned: mind your footing while at a bazaar. You'll never know if your absentmindedness gets you into an accident!


  1. Eep! Hope you're OK!!! If you have to do hot compress na or something, try dipping your foot in warm water with Epsom salt. (I have a carton, in case you need!)


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