My MelloYello Life

Let me tell you how my normal day goes ever since I did away with the house help (who never came back after a long vacay) and moved into a new condo:

I wake up at 5am. I cook breakfast, heat water for coffee/Milo, cook rice and ulam for my son’s lunch, make him a sandwich for merienda, and cook his dinner in case I get home too late from work. After he gets picked up by the school bus, I prepare for work which, fortunately for me, starts at 10 am. I then eat breakfast and hitch a ride with my best friend. As soon as I get to my office cube, work starts. My day at the office goes by way too fast. I work for a magazine publishing company and boy, does it get hectic. We work on the issue 2 months before its release date, so right now, I don’t feel that it’s March; I imagine that it’s May. How’s that for putting your life in fast-forward mode?

Anyway, work ends at 6:30 and I commute going home. Riding the MRT is the fastest but not the most convenient way to get home. If I’m lucky, the escalator works, the queue to enter the platform area isn’t too long, and I won’t get pushed onto the tracks and die as I squeeze my way into the already packed car.

I get off the MRT and tread the some 200-meters way to the jeepney stop. I risk my life crossing the breadth of EDSA, and wait for the jeep which passes by oh-so-infrequently. I get home and without winding down, I clean up, do the laundries, help my son with his homework if he needs it, and prepare next day’s meals for easy cooking in the morning. All this I get done by 10 pm the earliest. I get ready for bed, play with my Nintendo DS and fall asleep in no time.

These may sound like rants to most, but to me this is extremely fulfilling. Sure, there are days when I feel that I’m ready to give up and just let all things fall into place even when I didn’t exactly approve where they fall. BUT these responsibilities give me a sense of accomplishment that nothing else in the world can beat. And I embrace them with all my heart. 


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